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Refiners could, after garbage collectors, be requisitioned in the event of a stoppage

The Minister of Industry Roland Lescure hinted this Saturday, March 18 that the government could proceed with requisitions in the event of the shutdown of refineries by employees on strike against the pension reform.

At least two refineries, that of PetroIneos in Lavéra (Bouches-du-Rhône) and the Normandy refinery of TotalEnergies in Gonfreville-l’Orcher (Manche), could be shut down from this weekend and later Monday, according to the CGT. Until now, the strikers had contented themselves with blocking fuel shipments, but the refineries continued to produce.

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Asked about a risk of fuel shortage, the Minister replied: “We showed in the fall that we knew how to take our responsibilities there again, we will take them”in reference to the requisitions then taken to unblock oil sites during wage strikes.

He stressed that such measures were “being deployed” with the Parisian garbage collectors.

“We are not going to leave 65 million French men and women and a country together blocked by a few dozen individuals. So, the strike, (…) it is obviously an inalienable right, but the blocking of some individuals of a country (…), it is not possible “added the minister.

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Assuring that“today, most gas stations in France and Navarre have gasoline”Roland Lescure was critical of the leader of the CGT Bouches-du-Rhône Olivier Mateu whom he, without naming him, treated of “arsonist fireman”Who “Try to create panic, anxiety so that people go to get gas and suddenly we find ourselves potentially without”.

The trade unionist, candidate for the succession of Philippe Martinez at the head of the CGT, had advised Monday March 13 to the “comrades who get up in the morning to go to work” of “fill up, because it won’t last forever”after the oil terminals of Fos-sur-Mer and Lavéra went on strike.

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