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Reform that would delimit the TEPJF is postponed

Claudia Salazar and Martha Martínez / Reforma Agency

Thursday, April 13, 2023 | 17:16

Mexico City.- After the decision of the PAN to withdraw support for the reform of the Electoral Tribunal, coordinators of the Chamber of Deputies confirmed that the original proposal that handcuffed the body will no longer be discussed and that there will be a pause to “socialize” a new proposal with the senators.

With the signature of the six coordinators of Morena, PAN, PRI, PVEM, PT and PRD, a statement was issued where they admit that due to pressure from the public, they decided to seek a new wording.

“Faced with public opinion, we state that until now consensus has not been reached to approve this reform and, in the face of public opinion’s questioning regarding it, we want to inform you that we will continue working to legislate as is our obligation in favor of the and Mexicans, always respecting the rights of women, minorities and in favor of democracy”, was announced by Rubén Moreira, coordinator of the PRI.

The constitutional reform proposal proposed stopping political rights lawsuits promoted by women, the disabled, migrants, indigenous and transgender people. In addition, it protected party leaders against internal lawsuits in the appointment of leaders, and tied the hands of the Electoral Tribunal, in case of challenges by militants.

Before, the coordinator of Morena, Ignacio Mier, confirmed that the discussion of the reform to the TEPJF would be postponed and a “pause” would be opened, as an act of “legislative prudence”, to review progress next week.

“We do not want a reform to be stopped due to the doubts that the senators have expressed. In an act of legislative prudence, for the good of democracy, of the processes, of the parties, of the candidates and of respect for the vote, we are going to give us this space, for what it does for us to socialize with senators and leadership,” said Mier.

The coordinator of the PAN, Jorge Romero, issued a tweet confirming that the PAN decided not to accompany the reform to the Court.

“We decided not to reform any Initiative that, despite its content, poses the slightest doubt regarding the powers of the TEPJF, Gender Parity or Affirmative Actions,” he stated.

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