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Refugee summit: Association of municipalities calls for a “restart” of refugee policy

Before the consultations, the Association of Towns and Municipalities called for “long-term and sustainable financing” for refugee work.

On May 10th, the federal and state governments want to refugee summit in the Chancellery on key issues related to flight and migration. In the run-up to the meeting, the Association of Towns and Municipalities called for a “restart” in refugee policy. “Many municipalities have long since reached their capacity limits when it comes to accommodation, integration, the creation of day-care centers and school places,” said General Manager Gerd Landsberg. “We have to come to a reduction in the number of refugees.”

The necessary measures include fair distribution in Germany and Europe, better protection of the EU’s external borders and the consistent repatriation of people who are obliged to leave the country, Landsberg demanded. In addition, the pressure on the countries of origin, which do not want to take back their citizens who are obliged to leave the country, must be increased. “After all, we expect from federal and state governments long-term and sustainable financing of municipal expenses for accommodation, integration, daycare and school places.”

Also read: How Germany wants to relieve the asylum authorities

Refugee summit: Göring-Eckardt takes Scholz to task

The Vice-President of the German Bundestag, Katrin Göring-Eckardt (Greens), meanwhile, takes on Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to the duty. “It is unacceptable that the Federal Chancellor has been wriggling about the question of how the federal states and local authorities should continue to finance this issue for months,” said Göring-Eckardt. Successful integration needs a stable and reliable financing. “The federal government must ensure that the financial overload on the municipalities comes to an end and contribute to the integration costs on a permanent basis.”

Die The municipality do important work to accommodate and care for refugees well, emphasized Göring-Eckardt. “They need more than warm words for that. Daycare and school places, language courses, all of that doesn’t come for free.”

More on the subject: City council wants financial support for refugee aid


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