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Regarding the friendly of La Roja: The anecdotal and historical relationship of Colo Colo with Cuba

The history of Colo Colo is immense. Since the year it was founded, in 1925, the Cacique has shown signs of greatness and the intrinsic popular roots of his shield. Thus, the tour that he carried out in 1927 caused a stir in our country, but also in the different destinations to which he arrived.

It is because of the above, and Regarding the friendly that the Chilean team will have against Cuba, we will remember one of the good anecdotes that the rebel team had in that country. After his stay in Guayaquil, the Albos arrived in Cuba on January 24, 1927 on the steamboat “Venezuela” and, from that day, begins a story that is remembered, even to this day, in the Central American country.

Colo Colo matches in Cuba

It was Don Jaime Arenas who carried out a great investigation on the matter. Arenas, says that Luis Rencorret, Chilean consul in Cuban territory, welcomed the Chilean team that was born two years ago with open arms. The journalistic expectation was huge, in fact, La Marina newspaper described the national team as the “formidable Chilean team that will face Real Iberia, which is the champion.”

January 28 was the day chosen for the match between the Cacique and the Real Iberia team with Juventud Asturiana. The Chilean team took to the field of Almedares Park with Guerrero in the bow; Figueroa y Poirier in defence; Saavedra, González and Morales in midfield; Schneeberger, David Arellano, Olguin, Subiabre and Muñoz in front, who defeated the local team 4 to 1.

Everything was going smoothly on the tour until January 30th arrived. The Cacique’s second commitment was against Sport Fortuna, Cuban champion in 1925 and which had players from Atlético de Madrid. Said team swore to avenge the defeat of their compatriots and, before the duel, sent threatening messages to the Colo Colo players.

A tremendous robo against Colo Colo

Not happy with the above, the day of the game, Mister Naf was appointed as arbitrator. The judge, was known for being very local, an issue that was demonstrated in the match between the two squads. Courteous to the bow; Figueroa and Poirier in defense; Saavedra, González and Francisco Arellano in midfield; and a line of forwards made up of Moreno, David Arellano, Olguín, Subiabre and Muñoz, suffered with the referee’s little modesty and they saw how the local team took the lead after an obvious offense against the Chilean goalkeeper.

Óscar González tied for the nationals and, in the second stage, Naf continued with the horrendous charges and He did not want to see a tremendous kick in the stomach of which Guillermo Saavedra was the victim. After that blow, the judge charged the Cubans with a penalty for an alleged hand in the area and, after the goal, Colo Colo decided to leave the field, an issue that led to a great racket in which the president of the Cuban Federation and the police captain had to intervene.

After putting an end to the discussions, it was decided to continue the match. Yes indeed, Mr. Naf did not continue as referee of the fight and was replaced, neither more nor less, by Guillermo Pérez, Fortuna’s substitute goalkeeper. El Cacique tied the game again and, after another dubious collection, the local team took the lead with a penalty goal. In the final minutes, Sport Fortuna abused their strong leg that was not taken into account by the referee and, inexplicably, the game ended 5 minutes before regulation time.

After said commitment and, despite the offer of a rematch, Colo Colo leaves the island to head to the old continent and continue with his European tour that ended with the unfortunate death of David Arellano.

Preseason in Cuba

The 1927 tour was not Colo Colo’s last time in Cuba. in the year 1995Several Chilean soccer teams took advantage of the Copa América to have an interseason and, in a decision that left no one indifferent, the Eternal Champion packed his bags and took a flight to the island, at the invitation of the Caribbean federation.

Said expedition, in addition to serving for what came in the tournament, marked the relationship between the doctor Rafael Gutiérrez with the cast of Macul. “Cuba”, as he was nicknamed due to his nationality, welcomed the team on that occasion and was Gustavo Benítez who, after seeing his work, began the efforts to get him to the Monumental Stadium, remaining 15 years in the institution.

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