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Regime unleashes wave of repression and kidnaps leader of Voluntad Popular

Regime unleashes wave of repression and kidnaps leader of Voluntad Popular

CARACAS.– Agents of the security forces of the Nicolás Maduro regime forcibly took away the leader of the opposition party Voluntad Popular, Freddy Superlano, on Tuesday.

In videos posted on social media by Juan Guaidó and human rights lawyer Tamara Suju, you can see the moment when Superlano is taken away by several men dressed in black uniforms and hooded men who intercepted the former deputy’s vehicle when he arrived at the entrance of a building in Caracas. The hooded men forcibly removed him from the vehicle and put him in another one. They also took two other people who were accompanying the opposition politician.

The Vente Venezuela party, led by María Corina Machado, warned of a wave of arrests against those opposed to the Maduro regime.

“We are alerting the international community about this new wave of arrests against political leaders in Venezuela,” Vente Venezuela said on its social media.

On Sunday, Venezuelans voted in the presidential elections in which, according to opposition data that claims to have the minutes with the vote count in its possession, opposition candidate Edmundo González Urrutia won with 72% of the votes, while Nicolás Maduro, who was seeking re-election, garnered 23%.

However, on Sunday night, the pro-government National Electoral Council (CNE) said that Maduro had won with 51%, while González Urrutia had 44%. The opposition denounced fraud on Sunday and proclaimed González Urrutia as the president-elect, in a press conference attended by González Urrutia and Machado.

Source: EDITORIAL / With information from EVTV Miami

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