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Registered worker wages beat inflation in the first quarter

The Average Taxable Remuneration of Stable Workers (Ripte) registered an improvement of 1.5% in the first quarteraccording to the Ministry of Economy.

This happened because “salaries registered a rise of 23.5% before an average inflation of 21.7 in the first three months of the year”, pointed out from the Palacio de Hacienda.

The index prepared by the Ministry of Labor covers the average remuneration subject to contributions in the Integrated Social Welfare System (SIPA) that They are in a dependency relationship and were declared in the last 13 months.

In this frame, the March index indicates that wages increased 9.8%, against an average inflation in the month of 7.7%. According to Ripte, the average salary registered during March was $239,882.73, according to the report from the Ministry of Labor.

However, this record does not include unregistered workers, who during the past year, according to INDEC, lagged behind inflation. Last year, including unregistered workers, the wage index was 4.4 percentage points below inflation, with a marked difference between the evolution of registered income (public and private) and those found in the informality.

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