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Reims: Still’s little joke

Will Still is no longer invincible. Five months after taking office, the Reims coach suffered his first defeat in Ligue 1 against Olympique de Marseille (1-2) this Sunday. A relative disappointment for the main interested party.

“The reality of football hit us squarely. Throughout the match, we were quite enterprising and interesting in content. We managed to put a very good OM team in difficulty until the 94th, I can only be proud. There are not many teams that will play 19 games without losing. Maybe I will become a real coach after losing, joked the Champagne manager at a press conference. But Above all, I have a feeling of pride and positivism. We have written a very good story, there are 10 games left, we have to write another one.”

In the standings, Reims is in 9th position.

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