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Rejection in Mexico due to the arrival of new Cuban doctors

Cubans in Spain denounce labor exploitation by the island's regime

MEXICO CITY.- The population of San Luis de Potosí rejected the arrival of a batch of ten Cuban doctors who arrived in the central state of the Aztec country, as part of the agreement between the outgoing government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador and the dictatorship of Miguel Díaz-Canel.

“There has been a rejection of foreign doctors coming, but no matter how many calls we have made, it has not been possible to fill the places, that is why we resorted to hiring Cuban doctors,” justified the head of the IMSS-Wellness in San Luis Potosí. Daniel Acosta Díaz de León, in statements collected by The Sun of San Luis, reviewed by CubaNet

It is planned that the doctors, of different specialties, will be located in healthcare centers that are located in towns far from the city.

The 1,200 doctors, who will arrive in Mexico in the midst of a severe crisis in the Cuban health system, will join the 768 who already work in that nation’s public health sector and 123 who will arrive in the coming days and who are specialized in family medicine. .

Cuban doctors in Mexico

The presence of the island’s medical brigades in the Aztec country has not been free of irregularities. In April of last year it turned out that at least 20 Cuban doctors hired by the Government of Mexico lacked a certificate that accredited them as specialists.

A control carried out by the centers of health from Axochiapan, Ocuituco, Tetecala and Temixco verified that the specialty of the Cuban doctors “did not correspond to what was required in these hospitals.”

The sending of doctors to Mexico has generated great controversy, and opponents of the outgoing government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador have questioned it for financing the Havana dictatorship through health professionals who are exploited.

Meanwhile, on the Island, thousands of Cubans will continue without access to a decent health system, where the conditions do not exist to care for serious cases and where there are not enough specialists to cover the demands of patients.

In January of this year, Mexico’s National Institute of Transparency, Access to Information and Protection of Personal Data (INAI) accused Cuba of pocketing 94.4% of the salary of Cuban doctors sent to Mexican territory during the pandemic.

The Cuban regime, which increasingly depends on the export of professionals to obtain dollars, recognized at the end of 2023 that among its goals for the new year was to open new markets for its doctors abroad.

Starting this year, The UN again pointed out the Cuban regime for the persistence of violations of the rights of workers exported by Havana, especially doctors sent on “internationalist missions”, and warned that the governments of Italy, Qatar and Spain could be classified as accomplices of these mechanisms.

Source: Editorial/CubaNet

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