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Relatives and friends of Rolando Lara will march in Monte Carlo in request of Justice

Thursday, January 12, 2023 | 10:45 a.m.

Family and friends of Rolando Lara (23) will carry out a march demanding justice. They will leave at 5:00 p.m. from Plaza San Martin to the local police station.

Lara was attacked around 6:30 p.m. last Sunday, in the Henter neighborhood of Monte Carlo.

The reconstruction indicates that the young man traveled on a motorcycle with his two young children to his ex-partner’s house, in the aforementioned neighborhood.

After delivering the children to the woman, with whom Lara spent the previous days, an argument apparently began between the father and another 21-year-old man, the woman’s current partner.

Witnesses who testified before the Police indicated that it was Lara who had a knife at her waist and that it would have been he who started the fight with the owner of the house. However, other testimonials affirm the opposite, so for the moment it is not clear which of the two young men led to the confrontation.

Always according to the contributions provided by the sources consulted, the fight moved from the front of the house to the nearest corner, where the deadly thrust occurred.

Lara would have been stabbed on the boulevard of Festcher avenue, although he recently collapsed badly injured on one of the sidewalks in the area after traveling several meters.

This is where police officers who arrived at the scene located the first suspect in the case.

This is a 28-year-old man, ln’s cousin had threatened him with a knife in his own home.

It is expected that the three suspects will be transferred to an investigative statement next Sunday before the Investigating Court One of Puerto Rico, where they will be notified of the evidence that exists against them.

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