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Relatives of a young woman run over with her boyfriend mobilized in Eldorado

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 | 4:00 p.m.

Yesterday, family and friends of Magalí Arzamendia (19) mobilized to demand justice for the young woman and her partner, Walter A. (24), who was run over with her boyfriend in the town of Eldorado over the weekend.

The protesters, relatives and friends of the young woman who was run over were attended by the authorities of the First Investigating Court, which is carrying out the case. The main request is that the defendant not be released.

The concentration took place in the morning hours and summoned about 100 people with posters and banners in front of the judicial headquarters, located at kilometer 9 of San Martín avenue in the town, in the heart of the Labor Capital.

Traffic on the artery, a nerve center of the town, was interrupted for a few hours. “It was not an accident” and “We demand justice for Magalí and Walter” said some messages.

As it was possible to know, the relatives were received by the secretary of the Court, who is carrying out the case. The intervening judge is Martín Brites, head of the Investigating Court of Puerto Iguazú, who took over the case after the inhibition of Judge Roberto Saldaña.

As reconstructed by this medium based on sources with access to the file, Judge Saldaña withdrew because he has a friendly relationship with the suspect’s partner.

In this sense, the defendant, identified as Brandon G. (24), has already completed the investigative hearing, an instance in which he refrained from testifying before the judicial authorities. He was charged with aggravated negligent serious injuries, although his procedural situation depends on the evolution of Magalí.

The defense requested his release yesterday, but it was denied, so he will continue to be detained for now.

As this medium reported, the event occurred in the early hours of Saturday on Chacabuco Avenue and its intersection with Provincial Route 17.

According to statements by the victims, they were driving along the mentioned street on a motorcycle and just as they were trying to enter the road they were hit by the motorist in a white Fiat Strada.

The driver, far from stopping to attend to the wounded, fled the site. There were several people at the scene, who recorded the escape sequence.

Shortly after, the alleged suspect appeared at the police station and gave a positive breathalyzer test, a mechanism that detected 1.39 grams per liter of alcohol in the blood, for which he was arrested.

Likewise, the Third Section and an ambulance that arrived at the site assisted the injured, taking them to the Samic Hospital in Eldorado, where they are still hospitalized.

The young man is stable, with several fractures in the lower limbs but without risk of death. Magalí, meanwhile, is in the intensive care sector in an induced coma, fighting for his life.

The town of Eldorado has several records of hit-and-run drivers. The day before, several neighbors recalled at least two cases that occurred last year, a few weeks apart, and that resulted in the balance of two deaths.

One of them occurred on Wednesday, February 28, claiming the life of motorcyclist Fermín Pablo Galeano (23) and leaving Daniel Díaz (22) with significant injuries.

The road accident occurred at 6.10. Galeano was driving the motorcycle and due to the strong impact he died minutes later, despite the fact that he was wearing a helmet at the time of the collision. While Díaz had to be urgently referred to the local hospital where he was admitted with polytrauma to the head and other serious injuries.

The other vehicle involved was a Toyota Hilux, whose driver fled the scene. The next day Sergio Alejandro M. (35) appeared before the police authorities, accompanied by a private lawyer and was made available to the Eldorado Investigating Court Two.

He arrived with his vehicle towed, which to the naked eye had serious damage to the front bumper and windshield.

The other victim is Elías Gabriel Rojas, 21, who was driving a 110 Corven Energy motorcycle and was also hit by a Toyota Hilux whose driver fled the scene.

The event occurred at 4 in the morning at kilometer 10 of Avenida San Martín. When they arrived at the place, they found a young man lying on the asphalt tape, without reacting. Then health professionals who arrived at the scene found that he was lifeless.

Finally, at noon, around 1:30 p.m., Gimena O. (22) appeared at the police station, stating that she had participated in the incident and wanted to make herself available to Justice.

The young woman appeared, together with her father, with the truck indicated as the one involved in the sinister road.

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