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Relief in the event of financial bottlenecks: Berlin companies hardly make use of the state’s liquidity aid

So far, Berlin’s companies have hardly used the state program, which guarantees loans in the event of acute liquidity bottlenecks. The economic administration expects more interest in the subsidy program, which is scheduled to start in the new year. “Our immediate liquidity program with 100 million euros was the first nationwide. Berlin quickly put up this rescue package to protect companies that were very acutely threatened,” said Economics Senator Stephan Schwarz (independent). “So far, applications totaling around six million euros have been received.”

The Senate decided on the liquidity aid in mid-October to support companies, the self-employed and freelancers who are running out of money due to increased energy costs and who have their backs to the wall economically. The fact that the funds have so far been little used is a good sign that makes him confident, said Schwarz.

Many companies are also still waiting in the face of the upcoming energy price brakes and federal aid. “The second step is now the Berlin subsidy program with 200 million euros, which is intended to supplement the liquidity loan,” said the Senator for Economic Affairs. It is aimed specifically at small and medium-sized companies that are energy-intensive and particularly affected by the energy crisis.

Applications should be made through the IBB

“I assume that it will be used significantly more than the liquidity program for acute cases.” The aim of the economic administration is that applications can be made at the beginning of the first quarter via the investment bank Berlin (IBB). “We are relatively far there, the experts at IBB are working on the programming of the digital application,” said the senator.

“It’s also about taking federal aid into account in order to avoid double funding. We are in close contact with the IHK and the Chamber of Crafts, who have promised to support us with the application process,” said Schwarz. “E.g. with certain test steps in advance – does the company exist at all, what is the average share of energy costs in the companies?”

Such help is also necessary because IBB, like all development banks in Germany, is at its limit. “What your employees have been doing under great time pressure for many months is really strong.” The investment bonus program with 10 million euros as part of the restart program for the time after the pandemic was very well received.

“For the first time, it was a direct subsidy of up to 35 percent of the investment,” said Schwarz. “The first funding pot has now been exhausted, we want to extend the program from 2023 and top it up with another 10 million euros.”

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