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Reme’s Little Corner

Reme's Little Corner

*The White House confirmed that President Joe Biden will deliver shorter speeches. It is incredible what is happening with Biden’s candidacy. And how they try to hide it as much as possible.

*The left-wing publication Politico reported that George Soros, the Chicago Pritzers and, of course, Bill Gates are among the groups financing anti-Israel protests at US universities. There is no doubt that they have become anti-American.

*The former M19 guerrilla, who is today president of Colombia, Gustavo Petro, decided to break relations with Israel in protest of why? Why are women attacked and murdered and girls raped by the Colombian guerrilla? How disrespectful from someone who caused so much death and pain in his country! His popularity has died out in Colombia.

*According to the religious publication El Lazo Católico, Hispanic support has partially shifted from the Democratic Party to the Republican Party. This is a big blow for Biden because for years the Democrats have controlled the Hispanic vote. Although we are still many months away from the elections, if everything remains the same it will be very difficult for Biden to be re-elected.

*The highest civilian award in the United States is the Medal of Freedom, which was established by President Harry Truman in 1945. 10 to 11 people are honored with this distinction each year. However, this year Joe Biden increased the number of honorees to 19, including five liberal Democratic politicians such as Nancy Pelosi, Al Gore and John Kerry. This is a mockery. Biden does not stop playing politics at any celebration.

*Texas Democratic Congressman Henry Cuéllar has been accused, along with his wife, of receiving $600,000 in bribes from the Government of Azerbaijan. Cuellar is one of the few Blue Dog Democrats left in Congress and his policies are moderate. As with the case of Bob Menéndez, Democratic senator from New Jersey, accused of also receiving bribes from foreign governments, both are innocent until proven guilty. Both indicted Democrats are anti-communists and do not agree with Biden’s policies. Cuéllar has openly declared his opposition to the issue of open borders.

*The news that almost more than half of those protesting at Columbia University against Israel are not students, but simply people hired to create Antifa and Black Lives Matter type riots, should not come as a surprise to anyone. These protests are organized by enemies of freedom and, possibly, enemies of the United States.

*Jerome Powell of the FED announced that bank interest rates will not fall as long as inflation does not fall further.

*Johnson & Johnson will pay $6.5 billion to settle all lawsuits created by the use of talc manufactured by the company.

*Surprisingly, Meghan McCain declared that, in her opinion, the 2024 presidential elections will be won by Donald Trump. His mother must be with a jerk.

Squad member Ilhan Omar has been removed from the House Foreign Relations Committee. A very necessary measure that sends a message!

*Donald Trump met with all possible vice presidential candidates to continue the process of selecting one who is compatible with him and the voters. In a few weeks we will know who the selected one is.

*Biden’s approval numbers are the lowest of any president before him. Ronald Reagan had 54.5% in 1984. Richard Nixon 53.7% in 1972. Bill Clinton 53 in 1996, GW Bush 51 in 2004, Carter 47 in 1980, Trump 46.8 in 2020, Obama 45 in 2012, GHW Bush 41.8 in 1992 and now Biden 37.8 in 2024. These numbers are from the Gallup pollster and compare the approval of the presidents in the same period of their mandate.

*The archbishop of Alicante, in Spain, Monsignor Munilla, declared that the fact that President Biden crossed himself at an event to promote abortion is regrettable for the Church and Catholics around the world.

*Our most sincere congratulations to all the mother readers of La Esquinita in DIARIO LAS AMÉRICAS and listeners of Nueva Poderosa. May you have a good day in the company of your children and family.

*Julio says to Manolo: “The things in life…it was my wife who made me a believer!” “How is that Julio?” “Well, because I never believed hell existed until I married her.”

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