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Rents: Minister of Justice Buschmann rejects changes in index rents

Justice Minister Marco Buschmann is against changes in the index rent. He sees no “immediate need for regulation” here.

Federal Minister of Justice Marco Buschmann rejects legal changes index leases at the present time: He sees no “immediate need for regulation” here, the FDP politician told our editorial team.

According to Buschmann, calls for stricter regulation of these inflation-linked contracts sound popular. But the truth is that Tenant Associations until recently had made positive comments about index-linked leases. Especially in metropolitan areas, the general cost of living has risen much more slowly over many years than the local comparative rents.

Tenants with index leases would therefore often have been better off than tenants with normal ones rental agreements. Buschmann admitted that this is changing. He wanted to at least “keep an eye on” the situation.

Also read: Housing – Why index rents are becoming a problem for tenants

Buschmann: Projects from the coalition agreement have not yet been implemented

In response to demands from the SPD and the Greens for a tightening of the rental price brake, Buschmann referred to other projects from the that had not yet been implemented coalition agreement: He had the impression “that some of their excitement may only be trying to hide their own failures in housing policy,” said Buschmann.

In addition to the adjustments in tenancy law, the traffic light coalition has also set itself the goal of building 400,000 new apartments a year. “Unfortunately, we’re lagging behind,” he criticized Minister of Justice. “A larger supply of rental space would be the most effective way to avoid rising rents.” (fmg)

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