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Representative Orlando Aponte Rosario confirms that he will resign his seat

The legislator of the Popular Democratic Party (PPD), Orlando Aponte Rosario, will resign his seat in the House of Representatives, he confirmed in an interview with WKAQ 580 AM. At the moment, Rosario Aponte has not determined when his resignation would be effective.

The president of the community, Jesús Manuel Ortiz, had asked him after audio recordings of discussions between him and his wife were released.

“Gender violence is abominable and in our Party it will not be accepted. Without the intention of adjudicating facts in this situation, today I informed Rep Orlando Aponte that it is time for him to resign his position and focus on addressing his personal and family situation My duty is to protect the institution and I will exercise it fairly but firmly. That is why I have immediately removed him from his political and regulatory positions in the PPD,” Ortiz said in written statements.

“Since the personal situation I am going through was publicly disclosed, I have maintained constant and honest communication with the president of the House of Representatives, Rafael Hernández Montañez. This coming Tuesday, June 13, I will hold a meeting with him, and then I will communicate to my constituents of the 26th district and to the country my decision regarding my future,” Aponte said in written statements.

The popular representative recently faced a complaint of domestic violence.

The legislator’s wife requested a protection order against him on April 13. However, on May 2, Aponte himself reported that his ex-partner withdrew it.

“Yesterday my lawyer let me know that my wife withdrew her application for a protection order and that the court accepted it and annulled it, which is why there is no case related to domestic violence against me,” said that day the representative to the press.

Aponte Rosario has a meeting scheduled for Tuesday with the president of the House of Representatives, Rafael “Tatito” Hernández Montañez.

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