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Republican Kevin McCarthy elected Speaker of the House of Representatives

The presidential election in the United States has been a long and drawn-out story. Not in 164 years has the process taken this long. But in the 15th round, it finally went the way of the Republican candidate.

Early Saturday morning, a victorious McCarthy was impeached for the 14th time in the US Congress. He then managed to gather 216 votes, which was one vote too few. But after further rapid deliberations in the chamber, a 15th round of voting was initiated – where he managed to collect a majority.

The turnaround came after McCarthy agreed to many of the critics’ demands — including the reinstatement of a long-standing rule in the House that would allow an individual member to call a vote to remove the speaker from office, AP writes.

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The previous 14 polls have shown a torn party where former President Donald Trump’s supporters damaged the Republicans in front of a surprised, puzzled and slightly amused electorate.

A number of members of the Republican Party have felt that McCarthy’s line is not conservative enough and have wanted to see changes that shift power from the speaker – to the individual members.

The Republicans are in the majority in the House of Representatives, which is the lower house of the US Congress, since the autumn mid-term elections. A Republican will thus replace Democrat Nancy Pelosi in the important Speaker’s post.

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Therefore, the president of the United States is more powerful than Andreas Norlén. Photo: Sebastian Strandberg/SVT/TT/EPA
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