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Republican politicians say Afghan terrorist was detained with migrants at border – Hola News

San Diego, May 16 (EFE) ), when he was crossing the border with a group of migrants seeking asylum. So far the information has not been confirmed by those federal agencies.

“I can confirm that a wanted terrorist crossed our open border into the San Diego region just a few days ago, even if the (President Joe) Biden Administration will not,” Darrel Issa, a Republican member of the House of Representatives, told local media. United States representatives.

In turn, Jim Desmond, a member of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, said on social networks that the Patrol informed him that it had detained the suspect on May 10, when migrants were crossing the border with the idea that they could apply for asylum when the rule of Title 42 came to an end, which for more than three years prevented them from seeking refuge in the country.

Desmond, also a Republican, said that according to the Patrol the arrest occurred in the Otay Mesa area, about six miles (9.6 kilometers) east of San Ysidro.

He also criticized the Bien Administration, calling the arrest “a stark reminder that the federal government must strengthen the border.”

“The federal government should focus on building a safe and efficient immigration system that prioritizes thorough screenings and background checks, while providing a smooth and fair process for those seeking to enter legally,” he wrote.

Ángel Moreno, spokesman for the Border Patrol, told EFE on Tuesday that “in relation to the Afghan citizen, I must refer him to the FBI so that they have details on the subject.”

Pedro Ríos, the director of the American Friends Services Committee, recommended taking the versions about the alleged terrorist carefully.

“Of course you have to be careful and prevent one person from causing harm to others, but in every situation like this with the Border Patrol, I would start by analyzing the political context in which it is disclosed and see who should it be disclosed to,” said.

He stressed that the California border is the busiest in the hemisphere. “Millions of people cross the border between San Diego and Tijuana alone, where there has never been a case of concern” like this before, he said.

The actions of the Border Patrol “must always be seen in the context of what is happening politically at the moment, who is in the interest of certain information getting out, and who could be harmed by their information,” he emphasized.

Thousands of people have crossed into California in recent days in search of asylum and almost without exception the media have referred to the human aspect of migrants and official border control.

On social networks, several users responded to supervisor Desmond that if the arrest of an alleged terrorist actually occurred, it means that border security works.

“The difference between your tweet and the whole story? He was caught by the Border Patrol and arrested. Obviously the agencies involved are doing the jobs, and doing it effectively,” said one user.

“Good job Border Patrol. Sounds like the Biden guys are doing a pretty good job patrolling the border. How about you start working for our country instead of against it?” wrote another.

The FBI press office in San Diego avoided denying or confirming the arrest. His response was that “the FBI has no comment on your specific inquiry.”

“We are vigilant in our efforts to detect and assess potential threats, and we work closely with our federal, state and local law enforcement partners to keep our communities safe,” he added.

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