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Resident Evil 4: 18 years later, a discovery that changes everything

A player has just discovered a beneficial trick to easily achieve the worst moment of Resident Evil 4. Perfect before the remake.

In a few weeks, March 24 very exactly, Resident Evil 4 will be back in a remake available on PC, PS5, PS4 and Xbox Series. 18 years after the release of the original game on GameCube. Updated graphics, modernized gameplay and a handful of new features: the remake of Resident Evil 4 promises a lot. Even the DLC which allows you to embody Ada Wong called “Separate Ways” will be there (it will be released later). Just like many cult sequences that fans are impatiently waiting to be able to relive. One of them, considered the most difficult passage in the game, could be experienced very differently in this remake. A player has just discovered a trick in the original version of Resident Evil 4 which makes the sequence much simpler.

Resident Evil 4’s Worst Moment Can Be Fingered in Your Nose

On his Twitter account, a player named OddyQuinn shares his discovery regarding the worst moment of Resident Evil 4. In this sequence, Leon must eliminate a good bunch of enemies, including archers and an opponent infected with a Plaga. This moment is enough to drive you crazy, especially in professional mode. OddyQuinn says this passage can be made much easier with a simple technique. By leaving the room, then, by returning inside, the player benefits from a checkpoint. In addition to this, enemies already eliminated do not reappear! This is what makes this sequence much more affordable. A trick that many people seemed to ignore if we believe the comments visible under OddyQuinn’s post. On the other hand, it is difficult to know if it will be possible to do the same in the remake of Resident Evil 4. It would be surprising if the checkpoints were placed in exactly the same place in this new version of the cult title.

A particularly surprising remake of Resident Evil 4?

Advance on what awaits us precisely in Resident Evil 4 Remake would be risky given recent statements by producer Yokiashi Hirobayashi. This indicated there is little that the game was going to “betray the expectations” of the fans of the first hour. The remakes of Resident Evil 2 et 3 did pretty well in this exercise (not just for good reasons regarding the more recent of the two). License Resident Evil has always proven that it knows how to reinvent itself, between the introduction of the camera on the shoulder (Resident Evil 4), cooperative campaigns (Resident Evil 5 et 6) and transition to the first person (Resident Evil 7 et 8). RE 4 is so popular that it doesn’t seem to need that to bring players together. It doesn’t matter: Capcom wants to surprise the public. The remake of Resident Evil 4 will come out March 24 coming soon to PC, PS5, PS4, and Xbox Series.

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