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Resident Evil 4 Leon and the Mysterious Village: in the second episode regna l’amore

Capcom has published second episode of Leon and the Mysterious Villagethe anime series of Resident Evil 4 Remake made in the classic style of the World Masterpiece Theater series of Nippon Animation.

In the first episode Looking for Ashley, I had two protagonists if they were finally corrected while the second episode was untitled A Promise Between the Two sees Leon and Ashley tried to steal a duck, which the young man ragazza but will break very quickly, causing little trouble to piccolo Leon. No davvero, no stiamo scherzando, proper this is the plot of the brief episode.

The animated version of Resident Evil 4 is made in the style of the Nippon Animation series produced from the ’70s and the early ’90s, and I can’t help but notice the aesthetics and narrative with anime from Heidi’s caliber, lovely saraPollyanna, Anna dai Capelli RossiPeline Story, Lucy May, Piccolo Lord and Papa Gambalunga. These productions were not associated with labels “World Masterpiece Theater“, a true and proper series that if puts the objective of adapting to some famous Romance in chiave animata.

Resident Evil 4 Remake is available on March 24 On PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X/S, please know that we have seen our review of Resident Evil 4.

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