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Resident Evil 4 Remake: harassed, the actress of Ada speaks

After the violent wave of hatred she suffered, Lily Gao who plays Ada Wong in Resident Evil 4 Remake posted a message to respond to toxic players.

While Resident Evil 4 Remake is a dazzling success, a sad story has come to spoil the party. The actress who gives life to the iconic character of Ada Wong has been targeted by Internet users. She was the victim of a wave of hatred that went very far, as she reveals in a statement posted on Instagram.

Lily Gao (Ada) from Resident Evil 4 Remake victimized by racism

More than 4 million players have already got their hands on Resident Evil 4 Remake. An absolute hit that has received many positive and negative reviews. In the criticisms, some did not like the performance of Lily Gao, the actress who plays Ada Wong, at all, to the point where she was the victim of a wave of very violent hatred.

If she first made the choice not to respond to this cyberbullying, she is now coming out of silence to denounce serious abuses. Among the messages received for her performance in Resident Evil 4 Remake, some were racist and sexist according to what she explains.

To be the first Asian actress to portray Ada in the Resident Evil games is an honor. It’s unfortunate that with the release of the game, a sense of deja vu of “not being in your place” emerged. Inauthentic castings project a negative image that further dehumanizes the community they seek to represent. It’s time to stop valuing only the sexualized and mysterious Asian woman, and make room to honor all types of Asian women.

Ma Ada (note: in Resident Evil 4 Remake) is a survivor. She is kind, straight, smart and funny. She’s unpredictable, strong, and that’s definitely not a stereotype.

Via Instagram.

Credits: Reddit.

A possible return of the character?

As of now, it’s unclear what will happen to the character and actress Lily Gao. There is little chance that Capcom will drop her, but will she agree to keep her role after this event? According to a discovery, Ada Wong’s DLC ” Separate Ways (The Another Order in Japan) could be released as additional content. This is a bonus mode to experience the storyline from the heroine’s side, which is currently absent from Resident Evil 4 Remake. Wait & see…

While the teams are trying to eliminate all the bugs still present, the Mercenaries mode has made its way into RE4 Remake. A completely free addition for all owners of the game. In the latter, the player must survive waves of enemies and achieve the best possible score in the allotted time. Knowing that you can save seconds by picking up objects (green orbs, yellow diamonds) on the map.

This scoring-based mode pushes you to optimize your strategies over and over again to deal with increasingly fierce waves of enemies. Your prowess will unlock new combat zones and new characters to embody.

Via Capcom France.

Resident Evil 4 Remake est disponible sur PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X|S et PC.

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