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Resident Evil 4 Remake is now in the final spurt of development according to Capcom

We have now officially entered the year 2023, which is the year when, among other things, the hot Resident Evil 4 Remake will be released. March 24th is the set date that currently prevails and happily, it currently looks like that schedule will stick. At least if we are to believe the statements Capcom recently made about the development in a recent interview with Japanese gaming site Famitsu.

Yoshiaki Hirabayashi who is the producer of the game said this about how things are right now:
We are working hard to provide you with more information about Resident Evil 4 in preparation for its release on March 24th. The game is also in the final sprint to make the team united and make it a little better.

Note that the interview was translated from Japanese to English via Google Translate so the translation may have its flaws, but we can at least state the point that the game has now entered the final spurt of development. Of course, this is incredibly good news for all of us who are impatiently waiting to sink our teeth into it.

Are you hooked on Resident Evil 4 Remake?

By all accounts, development is on track for Capcom.
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