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Resident Evil 4 Remake: New Mod Brings Hugely Useful Battle Feature!

Do you wish for a little more flexibility for the fights in Resident Evil 4 Remake? A new mod helps!

This goes by the name “Dodge Roll” and delivers exactly what it promises: a dodge roll.

Keep rolling

You can do this dodge roll in any direction you want at any time Leon is walking, running, or standing around. Except for a short period of time at the beginning, you remain vulnerable during this time by default.

The dodge roll is triggered by double-clicking the button with which you crouch. But you can also set this individually.

More Resident Evil 4 Remake news:

There’s also a reset function if you accidentally scroll through the mod to a point where you can’t get any further. And you can choose whether or not you actually want to be vulnerable during the dodge roll.

You can check out the mod from alphaZomega Download here at NexusModsthere you will also find the installation instructions.

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