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Resident Evil 4 Remake: So you can end the village fight early

Anyone who knows Resident Evil 4, of course, also knows the village at the beginning of the game and the fight there.

Now a way has been found to end said fight early in the remake. And that’s actually relatively easy.

Here’s how the trick works

Anyone who’s played the original or the remake knows that once you survive long enough and the bell rings, the fight ends.

The trick is to shoot the bell yourself, bringing the skirmish to an early end. To do this, climb onto the building with the shotgun and aim at the turret in the distance.

More Resident Evil 4 Remake news:

However, this requires a sniper rifle. Conversely, this means that it is only possible in New Game Plus mode. So if you want to play it again or tackle a speed run, you’ll definitely be happy about this opportunity.

Resident Evil 4 Remake has been available for PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S and PlayStation 4 since March 24, 2023.

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