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Resident Evil Village: Capcom removes Denuvo copy protection

Like most new PC releases from developer studio Capcom, Resident Evil Village was also provided with the infamous Denuvo copy protection when it was released in 2021. Also like most new PC releases from Capcom, Denuvo has now been quietly removed.

No more Denuvo at Resident Evil Village

Capcom removed the copy protection, which was not very popular among gamers, just a few hours ago, as on SteamDB is visible. Meanwhile, Denuvo is also no longer on the Resident Evil Village Steam page (buy now ) mentioned.

There have been reports in the past that using Denuvo can significantly degrade a game’s performance. Resident Evil Village was no exception, which is why Capcom released a patch specifically designed to improve copy protection technology. Problems with Denuvo range from FPS drops and corrupted saves to widespread game failures, which is why gamers are now only frustrated when another title relies on Denuvo.

Capcom’s games have been using the notorious copy protection for a long time, including Monster Hunter World and the remakes of Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3, and Resident Evil 4. At least Capcom usually removes the copy protection some time after the release. In contrast to Warner Bros Games, who first removed Denuvo from Gotham Knights, only to add the copy protection again a little later.

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