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Resident Evil’s William Birkin joins Dead by Daylight

Dead by Daylight is teeming with iconic Resident Evil characters, and now that crowd grows even more as William Birkin joins an already colorful ensemble of Albert Wesker, Ada Wong, Rebecca Chambers, Chris Redfield, Jill Valentine and Leon S. Kennedy.

Just Birkin has long been a wish of the players and now, like a bolt from the blue, he is suddenly here, to spread terror. Without any warning at all really, but Dead by Daylight has always been good at listening to its community and one by one the fans wishes are fulfilled. This is what Dead of Daylight project manager Rose Li says about William Birkin now making his entrance:

“While we’ve already brought many Resident Evil characters into The Fog, there are still plenty of characters and outfits that players want to see. One of them is William Birkin, whose horrific appearance in RE2 made for one of the most memorable bosses in the entire series. The other Outfit often brought up is the Qipao outfit of Ada Wong, so we collaborated with Capcom to make those requests a reality.”

As you can see, she also picks up Ada Wong’s Qipao outfit and there’s a reason for that. Birkin’s arrival is not the only news, but it is also a selection of existing characters that get a new look. It concerns the aforementioned Wong but also Jill Valentine and in total, with Birkin included, the release looks like this:

Ada Wong – Lunar Qipao – Very Rare
Jill Valentine – Revelations Gear – Very Rare
The Blight – William Birkin – Legendary

According to the developers, it will not be about a limited time frame, but the collections, which are already out now, will be available for purchase for an indefinite period of time.

Here can you watch the trailer!

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