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Resignation director for Europe of SRE

Rolando Herrera / Reform Agency

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 | 20:38

Mexico City.- The director general for Europe of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Bernardo Aguilar, resigned his position to join “a great project for Mexico.”

Through his Twitter account, Aguilar, who arrived at the Foreign Ministry in January 2019 with no experience in diplomacy, thanked the head of the agency, Marcelo Ebrard, for his trust during his time in office.

“I reiterate my gratitude for your trust. He gave me the highest honor of serving my country. I am sure we will meet soon, it is a higher and more important mission. I will be, as always, at your service,” he wrote in his resignation letter addressed to to Ebrard.

This is the second resignation from the Foreign Ministry within the framework of Ebrard’s aspirations for being Morena’s candidate for the Presidency of the Republic, the previous one was that of the Undersecretary for Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights, Martha Delgado, who He left office on May 2.

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