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Restore the honorability of the FANB

Two businessmen reveal an unpopular plan

Why does Maduro dance? Because people despise what he says and instead pay attention to him when he makes a fool of himself. So, without any shame, he has chosen to be the clown that people laugh at even though they hate him.

If it were just a spectacle of an eyesore, it would be a lesser evil, but Maduro’s damage to our country exceeds any dimension. That is why there are such strong reactions of rejection. I have heard unpublishable expressions that come from the entrails of a hungry people, humiliated by the alms of the waste of an opulent elite of luxuries.

On July 28, an exceptional opportunity will be activated, which we must exercise responsibly until the end, that is, until we guarantee that our decision is respected and, therefore, complied with.

They are the ones who are afraid. Some have already arranged their escape, have taken their families out, and have various disguises ready for the inevitable moment of using the routes that will take them out of the Venezuelan border.

The truth is that most of the PSUV leadership has its plan B, convinced that Nicolás Maduro is a terrible candidate, but that no one dared to confront him.

Nicolás Maduro is a disgrace. The country will have to humiliate him by voting against him. It is also instructive that he was defeated by a decent man like Edmundo González Urrutia who has only expressed decent proposals that feed the optimism of a Venezuelan eager for the honorability of his leaders. And for better news, the match with María Corina Machado has been perfect.

In line with what is probable, it is interesting to hear the consideration of scenarios that mean the admission of a defeat by the ruling party, as expressed by Freddy Bernal in a recent analysis in which he assumes himself as a political opponent far removed from violence.

Still, the least of them threaten with weapons, but there are more who have been involved in politics, who have negotiated and who, despite being aggressive in their public speeches, have ended up referring to points of agreement. Those who understand each other in English, those who in private speak ill of their boss.

Suddenly Jorge Rodríguez speaks of consensus, even though no one believes him.

Instead, Maduro threatens with cannons and who knows if they end up pointing at him.

On July 28, Edmundo González Urrutia will receive the support of the vast majority of Venezuelan voters and Nicolás Maduro will be defeated.

The decision to respect the results has been rapidly permeating the military institution. The process has been carried out at different levels because even though in 11 years Nicolás Maduro has perverted an elite of the Armed Forces, which he has turned into an appendix of organized crime that has enriched itself with impunity and has operated as his support in power, at the same time, a large part of the officers have been suffering the onslaught of a crisis for which they know very well who is responsible, because they have witnessed the luxuries and abuses that subdue a people who do not have anything to eat, who die for lack of assistance and flee the country in terror.

In factual terms, Maduro has contributed nothing to the Armed Forces. He has blurred the institution to which he has also attached the hatred of a country, he has turned its members into puppets of crime, into an object of contempt of a population.

For a long time, the Armed Forces enjoyed respect in democracy; officers proudly wore their uniforms, but now they have to hide them.

With only a few days until July 28, members of the FANB are preparing to take part in the Plan República, where they will play a very important role as witnesses of a democratic process that carries the burden of hope for a people who are crying out to regain their freedom.

They know that Venezuelans have the right to choose the best country that the opposition is offering them. The officers who will be at the voting centers will have to ensure a great job, accompanying and supporting the civilians who will institutionally oversee that the voting process is carried out in a transparent, peaceful and effective manner.

I have no doubt that a good part of the officers are eager to recover the prestige of the Armed Forces. I also think that the institutional message that Edmundo González Urrutia and María Corina Machado have consistently and firmly issued has been important. The time has come to recover the honorability of Venezuelan institutions.

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