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Results of the National Lottery today Sunday April 30, 2023

As every Sunday, this April 30, the Government of Mexico announced the winning number of the Zodiac Draw of the National lottery and in The Truth News We share all the details.

On this occasion the little pieces of the Zodiac Draw No. 1612 they commemorate the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Federico Gómez Children’s Hospital of Mexico, and the accumulated bag is 11 million pesos.

List of National Lottery Prizes

List of National Lottery Prizes.

The jackpot is for the number: Aquarium 7623

Where to buy my little piece?

Where to buy my little piece?

Remember that you can make your purchase online through the following authorized sales channels: alegríalotería, tulotero, cmillonario,, ganalottodo and, in addition to knowing the Traditional Draws Calendar on the official page of Government of Mexico.

How to collect your National Lottery prize?

How to collect your National Lottery prize?

All prizes can be collected directly at the offices of the National Lottery for Public Assistance located at Plaza de la República No.117, First Floor, Colonia Tabacalera, Alcaldía Cuauhtémoc, Postal Code 06030, Mexico City (CDMX) on business days Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., starting the day after the contest is held.

However, if you live outside of CDMXyou can collect the refund or prizes less than 9 thousand 999 pesos directly with the ticket holders or at the Official National Lottery Store in your locality; as long as they have the monetary resources to pay the prize.

In the case of prizes of 10 thousand pesos up to 10 million pesosyou only need to go to the nearest bank with the following documentation:

  • Official Identification.
  • Fiscal Record Certificate.
  • Proof of address not older than three months.
  • Copy of the ticket or each of the winning tickets.

Lastly, the prizes of 10 million pesos or more have to be charged against a Public Notary so you can only do it at the offices of the National Lottery.

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