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Retirees: ANSES offers loans of up to $300,000, how to apply? | THE TERRITORY news from Misiones

Saturday April 29, 2023 | 12:00 p.m.

The National Social Security Administration (ANSES) recently published that it will provide new credits of up to $300,000, in addition to free tablets for an exclusive group of beneficiaries. The latter is provided through the Mi Compu Plan, an exclusive program so that retirees and pensioners can access their first digital device with an Internet connection.

ANSES: $300,000 credits and free tablets, who can get it?
All retirees and pensioners who receive up to two minimum assets in their assets, may request a loan of up to $300,000 for the purchase of a computer through the Mi Compu Plan, a national program issued by ANSES and executed by Banco Nación itself.

If this is not enough, ANSES retirees can also access free tablets offered by the National Communications Entity (ENACOM) through the Connecting with You program.

How to apply for the $300,000 loan
Necessary documentation
Last two receipts
Last credit card statement

Step by step, how to request the credit
Step by step, here we mention how to proceed to apply for the loan. I took into account having all the necessary documentation.

Request an appointment through the following link:

Choose the date and time.

Show up at the branch in question with the requested documentation. And then apply for credit if you meet the requirements.

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