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Retirements and long careers: the condition for "win a large majority" at LR, according to Ciotti

The right, which has raised the stakes on pensions to appease an internal revolt, could ultimately vote for the text if a new condition on long careers is met.

The question of long careers in the pension reform project remains a major concern in the camp of the Republicans. In the columns of Parisian this Saturday, the leader of the LR repeats that he “wants to vote for a pension reform, because it is necessary”. However, in the government project, “there are still additional advances to be made, essential for the balance and justice of the text”, believes Eric Ciotti.

“I am thinking in particular of the question of long careers (…) In this reform, it is those who started working the earliest who should contribute the longest. We have therefore indicated that those who enroll in this framework, having started before the age of 21, will be able to retire after 43 annuities, before the legal retirement age”, he indicates.

And to underline: “This is why I went to see the Prime Minister with the president of the LR group, Olivier Marleix, on Wednesday. I am very confident in our ability to obtain satisfaction on this essential point.

“Central Question”

If the Republicans obtain satisfaction on this point, Eric Ciotti assures him, the government’s project “will win a very large majority” among the LRs. It is “a central question which will largely determine my vote”, said Friday on BFMTV the deputy of Haut-Rhin, Raphaël Schellenberger. Executive Vice-President of LR, Aurélien Pradié also promised to vote for the reform if his party’s amendments were taken up “to the comma”.

“If Élisabeth Borne knows how to listen to the relevant proposals that we make, the use of 49.3 will not be necessary”, slips bluntly Eric Ciotti to the Parisian.

The Prime Minister remained vague: “We will have this debate” of long careers but “not losing sight of the objective” of financial balance in the system. However, the measure demanded by LR “has a cost of around 2 billion”, according to the Renaissance rapporteur for the reform, Stéphanie Rist.

Amber Lepoivre BFMTV journalist

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