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Retro Studios is said to be working on more than just Metroid Prime 4

One who waits for something good is usually said, which is a concept fans of Metroid Prime are unfortunately very familiar with. Because even though we finally got a remaster of the original game, the fourth has been marred by delays and now it seems that Retro Studios, which is the responsible developer, is also working on other things in parallel. Something that really does not bode well for all those who hoped to sink their teeth into Prime 4 in the near future.

So what is this speculation based on? Yes, if you visit Retro Studios’ website and look under vacancies, there are (at the time of writing) 11 listed with the following text:

“Announced by Nintendo in January 2019, Retro Studios is currently in the midst of developing Metroid Prime 4 for the Nintendo Switch.”

But in addition to this, there is another service that does not mention anything about Metroid Prime, but instead describes a service that should focus on something that is described in the following terms:

“Original gameplay and AI concepts for a 3-D action-adventure title as well as construct fun and playable prototypes while partnering with narrative designers and artists to identify opportunities to enhance storytelling through gameplay and visual design”

Not exactly something that makes you think of Samus and her adventures, but instead could very well be something new for Nintendo’s next console. Speculation of course and we have to hope Retro and Nintendo give us a concrete update about Metroid Prime 4 whose development has been quiet for several years now.

What do you think, does Retro have something new and secret going on? Will Prime 4 even skip the Switch and instead be released on Nintendo’s new console?

The eternal wait continues.
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