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Reviews | The Mandalorian season 3: better than Boba Fett but inferior to Andor (FW Opinion)

The odyssey has finally ended with season three of The Mandalorian, the Disney Plus series that restored faith in the Star Wars universe to many. But not everything can be good forever and we have to talk about what has happened in this new phase.

We have witnessed a rocky road with the Star Wars franchise in recent years. We all remember that rude moment after the premiere of the Episodio IX, The Rise of Skywalker, where the future of the entire franchise looked extraordinarily uncertain.

But a few weeks before, in November 2019, the first season of The Mandalorian would premiere on Disney Plus to show us that there were still many genuine, consistent and deep stories to be told around this universe.

The series took a bit of time to be available in Latin America and in many cases fans had to apply unconventional measures to access the first season episodes with the newly launched streaming service.

But those who had the opportunity to enjoy the unfolding of this story were able to come to the accurate conclusion that this was the new refuge for Star Wars fans, far from movie theaters.

And that’s how it worked for a long time, at least in the productions where Kathleen Kennedy was not directly involved. Season 2 of The Mandalorian was spectacular and The Book of Boba Fett did a decent job. But something happened in between.

The Mandalorian after the era of Andor

Season 3 of The Mandalorian is far from being as round, solid and endearing as its previous stage, which closed triumphantly with one of the most memorable cameos in the history of the entire saga.

The frank impression that it gave us is that the story originally raised ended completely there and that this could well have been the closure of the entire plot. But Disney Plus needed to expand this haven that kept fans pleased and new productions were announced.

In the middle of it, the creative team had to split in two to move everything forward and improvise on the fly with the cancellation and firing of talent that was crucial to future plans.

This is how apparently Jon Favreau and his team improvised the expansion of this story by fracturing the events of the third season to put a part in The Book of Boba Fett.

In this way they made the story of the classic character of the original Star Wars trilogy more interesting, yes, but it left an incomprehensible plot for those who did not see that series.

This is how the start of the season is somewhat confusing and opens many loose ends that eventually come together to give this feeling of roundness, although it is far from the balance and emotion of past history.

Here the title of The Mandalorian no longer refers only to the odyssey of the legendary Din Djarin (played by Pedro Pascal), but opens its horizon to now allude to an entire people, now focusing the focus on the character of Bo-Katan Kryze .

Unfortunately Katee Sackhoff He does not have the best acting range to fully support the core weight of this series and the physical absence of Pedro Pascal is quite appreciated, who apparently was too busy with the recordings of The Last of Us.

In the end, the series could have been much better and the feeling remains that it was improvised a lot on the fly to give it continuity in an effort to expand the narrative horizons of a story that was already virtually closed.

We have no idea how these characters will resolve in the future. But there is a high uncertainty about what happens with Star Wars.

In conclusion, The Madalorian season 3 is much better than The Book of Boba Fett, but today Andor It looks like a better future proposition for the franchise.

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