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Revolution in batteries: this electric car charges in a record time of 6 minutes

nyobolta British company dedicated to developing ultra fast charging batterieshas just announced what many drivers who do not dare to buy an electric car were waiting for: it has managed to create a battery that fully charges in just 6 minutesand with which they can be done 250 kilometers in the prototype that they themselves have developed.

2,000 recharges without losing almost capacity

The truth is that they have revealed almost no details about what this battery is like. In fact, we know that it is lithium ionwhich has 35 kWh of capacity and that, as they affirm, after 2,000 full recharge cycles it hardly loses its capacity. But we do not know its particularities beyond that use those scarce materials to a lesser extent what are called “rare earths”.


The British company has tested it on the prototype that they themselves have developed, which is neither more nor less than a reinterpretation in a modern key of the radical two-seater Lotus Elise.

In this model, with lines outlined by the designer Julian Thompsonthey have made those 6 minutes mean double the maximum reload speed that the most advanced electric cars have in this sense. And another advantage is that the car has stayed in a ton of weighta figure with which a pure sports car can still feel like a pure sports car.

They can also make large batteries

We may think that this will only be possible in cars that have very small batteries, but Nyobolt has already advanced that they can also apply their technology to batteries as large as the ones it would use. a truck or a buswhich could be loaded in a few minutes when available 1mW chargers.


according to Sai ShivareddyCEO of Nyobolt, this technology shows “how the adoption of technological innovations can transform the future of electric vehicles and increase its accessibilityeven for those drivers who can’t charge their vehicle overnight because they don’t have a garage.”

At the moment, this company has already announced that the production of its revolutionary batteries start in 2024so the electric car revolution may be closer than we imagine.

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