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Rewe hires Payback and leaves "other ways": That changes for customers

Rewe customers have to be prepared for a change in the branches of the supermarket chain: the retail and tourism group will end the cooperation with the customer loyalty program at the end of 2024 payback.

The retail giant and that loyalty program would have extended their cooperation for another two years, said a Rewe spokeswoman on Monday. After that, however, the group will “go its own way and/or go its own way”. Previously had the food newspaper reported about it.

Rewe separates from Payback despite an important partnership

Rewe has been cooperating with the widespread supermarket business since 2014 Points collection systemthe discounter belonging to the Rewe Group penny joined him in 2018. For Payback, the trading group with its millions of customers is one of the most important partnerstressed the food newspaper.

According to information from German press agency Rewe wants its own after the end of the cooperation with Payback Customer Loyalty Program build up. The retail group would thus have much more direct access to the customer data and have greater options for customizing its offerings than before.

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