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Ricardo Darín remembered the World Championship when he received the Golden Globe and it became a trend

Finally what we all expected happened: “Argentina 1985“, the film directed by Santiago Miter and starring Ricardo Darín and Peter Lanzani, stayed this Tuesday night with the Golden Globe, and was put in the race for the Oscars, the highest award in Hollywood.

The film, which was very successful in our country, tells the story of the Trial of the Juntas, and which is based on the darkest stage of our country, won the prize in the shortlist Best Non-English Language Film, where it competed with the German No news at the frontthe Belgian Closethe South Korean decision to leaveand india RRR.

During the thank you speeches, the director sent greetings to all his relatives and focused his speech on the importance of strengthening democracy.

Then Darín held the microphone for a few seconds and after thanking him in English he could not help but remember that: “After the World Championship this is a great joy” he said and won us over.

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