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Ricotta cake: the secret recipe with few ingredients to make it perfect

The riccota cake also known as cheesecake or cheesecake is one of the most popular desserts of the 20th century. This sweet delight is one of the oldest preparations on record. Over the years, the recipe evolved and different elements began to be added to achieve unique flavors, some are: fruits, jams, chocolate, milk cream, among others.

Ricotta cake, one of the favorites of Argentines.

This exquisite sweet option is one of the classic dishes of the country’s gastronomy. Yes ok It is one of the oldest preparations that exists, the riccota cake as we know it today could have its origin in Italian cuisine, where both crostata di ricotta and pastiera napoletana are made (specialty made during the Easter celebration), both similar to frola pasta.

so that the riccota cake come out in an excellent way, it is advisable to follow some indications: Avoid using fruits that contain enzymes without cooking them first, as these will prevent the preparation from curdling. On the other hand, so that the dough does not break when baked, it is recommended not to beat the eggs too much.. In this way, a delicious companion for tea or coffee will be obtained.

Ricotta tart is easy to make.


  • 200G. butter
  • 15g. sugar
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • Zest of 2 lemons
  • Vanilla
  • 4 eggs
  • 400g. Of flour
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 600g. ricotta
  • 180g. sugar
  • powdered sugar
Some of the ingredients to make the cake.


  1. Place the butter in a bowl and add the sugar and a pinch of salt.
  2. Mix by hand or with a mixer. Once the elements are united, grate the lemon peel and add the essence of vanilla.
  3. Add one egg at a time and integrate little by little. Then add one more egg.
  4. Put the mixture aside and on the allowance throw the flour. Make a hole in it, place baking powder and then add the previous mixture.
  5. Combine everything and let rest for an hour in the fridge.
  6. In this step, you begin to make the ricotta filling. Add the eggs and sugar, the vanilla essence, the lemon zest (optional). Mix and reserve.
  7. Take the dough out of the fridge and start stretching with the knead stick only 2/3 of it. The rest will be used for the cover.
  8. Add the ricotta and then cover with the dough.
  9. Take it to the oven 180° for 40 minutes.
  10. Decorate with powdered sugar on top.

Tip: let the riccota cake until it cools down and just cut it, in this way it will prevent the dough from cracking.

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