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Rinnovo (as Milinkovic) or transfer: gives Rodriguez to Vojvoda, chi “scade” in 2024

After the return of Milinkovic are still many and contracted in scadenza in 2024: the Turin will scegliere the return or assignment

In Torino’s house it’s time to shoot some of the questioners. The club has recently renewed Milinkovic-Savic, in scadenza nel 2024, per program insieme and with serenity the new stagione and I will avoid a new Belotti case. But the serbo is only the only one, at the moment, I gave a list of calciatori in scadenza ad aver prolungato il suo legame con il Toro. The case of the Rooster has broken all the positivi sull’operato della società and the leadership will do everything to avoid repeating a situation of the kind. L’ex capitano del Toro, infatti, è andato via parametro zero e le casse ne hanno inevitabilmentemente resentito nei mesi successivi.

Torino, gives Singo to Rodriguez: i contratti più delicati

Singo and Rodriguez It is surely safe and almost delicate, from the moment the bull cannot lose it at zero parameter. During Torino-Napoli, the procuratore dell’ivoriano has been present at the stadium of Urbano Cairo: the feeling is that if he spoke of a possible renewal of the calciatore, that he is young and prospective. E proprio per questo in pobrebbero estate will be offered for the class 2000, which Cairo will necessarily take into consideration. Il rennovo del contratto, però, sara necesario por far lievitare il prezzo del suo cartellino: il presidente awaits conclusion in the shortest time possible. Anche per Rodriguez filters optimism and the intention of the society dovrebbe essere quella di treaterlo Torino. The former Milan is practically an irreplaceable Juric and guarantees a good life of experience.

Torino and Linetty still remain together?

Carol linetty It is another element of the rosa garnet with the contract scheduled for June 2024. The polish contract remains unknown for the moment. What is certain is that Juric has used it very thickly in his staging still in Corso: if I can say that he is a true and proper title. The number 77 garnet has been given by the first minute on 20 occasions on its 28th, showing the fact that Juric had a certain trust. Da capire if the voglia club will continue still together or on strade del Toro and dell’ex Sampdoria if they separated: in this case if they could I will go to scadenza.

Berisha and Vojvoda

Berisha è ormai ai margini del progetto, practically fuori rosa, Vojvoda is not going through a good moment è forse one of the calciatori que has deluso maggiormente the aspect of Juric: in the last year its performance is calato and the Kosovaro has always found less space negli schieramenti of the technician. It will be difficult for me to think that the situation will change by the end of the championship: probably, though, that the terzino is destined for the transfer.

Wilfried Singo

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