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Riots in France have already put 350 people in jail

Riots in France have already put 350 people in jail

Paris.- Trials under the immediate appearance procedure for the perpetrators of the riots that have been rocking France for a week have already landed 350 people in jail, and several hundred more are due to go through the courts in the coming days.

The Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, indicated this Tuesday that until yesterday about 700 people had been brought before a magistrate with a view to their indictment and another 800 were waiting.

Borne, who was appearing at the government control session in the National Assembly, recalled that the head of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti, issued a circular addressed to prosecutors asking them for “a quick, firm and systematic response for all the perpetrators”. of altercations.

This circular also includes a directive to claim criminal sanctions for the parents of minors who do not care to control them and who let them participate in the riots that have been taking place since June 27, when a 17-year-old boy died of a shot of a policeman in Nanterre trying to escape from a control with a car that he was driving without a license.

Since then, almost 3,500 people have been arrested, the vast majority very young, since the average age is 17 years; about a third are minors, who cannot be tried by the immediate appearance procedure or go to jail.

The Prime Minister insisted on the message that “this violence has nothing to do with a revolt in sensitive neighborhoods”, as she has been able to verify in the visits she has made, in which what she has perceived from the population is “misunderstanding” and “anger”.

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