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Riquelme wins Europe at least

Rodrigo Riquelme he is a quiet boy. He shows this off the pitch when he expresses himself as if he were a veteran soccer player and this is how he is perceived when he faces one of the most important summers of his life. After debuting in the First Division with the Gironathere is no doubt that it has been one of the revelations of The league thanks, among many other things, to his four goals and as many assists in the 34 games he has played with the team led by Michael. He has made a leap in his sports career quite naturally and the Vallecano coach has relied on him as if he were a pillar of the squad. His work in the field and his performance have led him to fulfill this new stage of his career with flying colours, and to be an idol in the stands of a Montilivi that has finished delivered to him.

As things are, the time has come to take a new step in a sports career that seems to be studied by both its protagonist and by all those around him. After leaving the quarry I jumped into the England where he had an important apprenticeship, later he demonstrated that LaLiga Smartbank It was too small for him and now the time has come to be part of the squad of the team of his life or play in European competitions.

Media Primera División has asked about him

More than half of the teams first division have asked about the situation of a footballer who focuses on the European sub 21 to start next wednesday in romanian, but not knowing where to play for sure next season is something that does not take away his sleep. First, because the boy is ambitious for the preseason, what will he do with him? athletic when he returns from the continental tournament and afterwards, because he knows exactly which doors to knock on. Obviously, the first step is to listen to what the rojiblanco club can offer him and learn about the ideas of Simeone with him and later, analyze the teams that play in European competitions to continue with their growth phase.

He European sub 21 It has changed the situation of many footballers who have played it and riquelme could be one of them. Win the tournament or be the protagonist with Spain It would allow Madrid to return with more stripes to the rojiblanca discipline. In addition, the footballer’s versatility is something that he plays in his favor and complements his competitive ability.

Thus, what seems clear is that riquelmewho was close to going to the League of Nations for the muscular discomfort he suffered Daniel Olmo this week, they will show their football all over the continent. He athletic He has a jewel and he is polishing it to the maximum.

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