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Rising temperatures lead to higher crime in the Rio Grande Valley

Rising temperatures lead to higher crime in the Rio Grande Valley

With the arrival of summer, an increase begins to be registered, not only in temperature, but also in crime, as shown by a study carried out by the FBI.

“Some of these crimes are, for example, theft from department stores, or in English as shoplifting. There are also vehicle thefts,” says Jorge Rodríguez, spokesman for the Mission Police.

However, most cases are property crimes, break-ins, thefts, robberies, or arson. “Another of the crimes that we have encountered on these dates is, for example, drug possession,” adds Rodríguez.

According to the authorities, those who commit this type of crime are mostly young minors.

Research conducted by the FBI shows an 11 percent increase in offenses committed between June and August in Hidalgo County. In the three summer months, when the temperature reaches triple digits, more than 1,022 criminal acts were registered.

Compared to previous summers, the rate has held up, Rodríguez explains. “It hasn’t gone up. The crime that we have experienced, at least in this early summer, has continued. Let’s say that the type of crimes that have been committed have been varied, ”says the spokesman.

Intense heat often stresses drivers, which could lead to incidents of road rage.

“When there is excessive heat like we experience here in the Valley, their temperament usually tends to change and it is important not to be provocative and let the person drive and get on with it,” the spokesperson emphasizes.

On the other hand, the arrival of summer and high temperatures could be a trigger for cases of domestic violence to increase in the coming weeks.

According to FBI statistics, an average of 700 criminal acts are committed in McAllen between the months of June and August, which means an increase of 9% in the summer compared to other seasons of the year.

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