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River beat Sarmiento and climbed to the top of the Professional League

River reaped a new victory against Sarmiento by 2-0 and climbed to the top of the Professional League position tableat least until San Lorenzo plays, which this Monday will seek to regain leadership against Newell’s.

El Millonario struck from the start, when referee Ariel Penel charged a penalty for a handball in the area and Lucas Beltran (6′) He changed it for a goal. Although Núñez’s team had chances to increase the score, Franco Armani also had to work to keep the goal at zero, given the good attempts that Junín’s cast put together.

The goals and best moments of River’s victory against Sarmiento

In the second half, River began to handle the ball more and with a shot from outside the area of ​​the admitted Augustine Palavecino (29′), widened the difference. Despite Sarmiento’s attempts at the end, the Millionaire took the three points that allowed him to climb to the top of the table.

“Won with authority. In the first half we handled the ball and in the second we were somewhat imprecise, but we recovered the game and the score could have been higher,” Armani said at a press conference after the victory.

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