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Road safety: stable mortality in February and slight drop in serious injuries

With 217 deaths in February 2023, road fatalities remained stable compared to the same month of 2022, even though the number of pedestrians killed increased by 23%.

The number of people killed on the roads of mainland France in February remained stable at 217 deaths compared to the same month in 2022, Road Safety announced on Thursday March 16.

+23% pedestrians killed

“However, we note an increase in the number of pedestrians killed (37 cases, or +23%) and a slight increase in the number of motorized two-wheeler deaths (37 deaths) or bicycles (14 deaths) compared to 2022”, notes the press release.

According to estimates provided by the National Interministerial Road Safety Observatory (ONISR), among the 217 deaths, there are in particular 106 motorists, 37 motorcyclists, 37 pedestrians, 14 cyclists and a user of motorized personal transport equipment (EDPm) .

ONISR also counts 973 seriously injured, down 3% compared to February 2022.

“Drivers, be extra vigilant”

Florence Guillaume, interministerial delegate for road safety, recalled in this press release the “need to pay attention to other users, starting with the most vulnerable”.

“37 pedestrians killed, nearly 150 seriously injured in February, this is particularly worrying. Drivers, be extra vigilant, especially when visibility conditions are less good, and adapt your speed. Pedestrians, do not stay in the blind spots of vehicles, use the pedestrian crossings and make sure you are always visible”, underlined Florence Guillaume.

In Overseas, 12 people were killed in a road accident in February, down 56% compared to the same month of the previous year. The number of injured, 290, is however up 2%.

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