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Robert Habeck: This rumor annoys the Economics Minister

Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck (Greens) speaks plainly about the coalition climate – and his dealings with Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock.

Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck has urged the traffic light coalition to have more public spirit. “It is important that we concentrate on the actual task of acting for Germany – and not for our own Twitter followers,” said the Green politician to our editorial team. He does not want to “deny that we have been in the past few weeks as Government have not given a nice picture”.

In the matter, however, it is necessary to wrestle with each other to find the right solution. “We don’t want to make ourselves comfortable and sit it out like the grand coalition.” coalition committee have “resolved blockages in terms of content,” noted Habeck. “Since then, three laws from my area alone have been unified that have stuck: the Energy Efficiency Act, the Building Energy Act and the reform of competition law.”

To the full interview with Robert Habeck on the ban on heating

Human understanding in the coalition described Habeck as very good. “Despite many challenges and a lot of work, we also laugh a lot,” he said.

Robert Habeck: This is how he deals with Annalena Baerbock

Outraged, Habeck turned against coalition rumors about difficulties and an icy relationship between Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock (Greens) and him. “The talk is as banal as it is false. Annalena Baerbock and I work closely and trustingly together,” he said. “The coalition committee has shown that the green leadership stands together as one.” Also read: Is Olaf Scholz really a climate chancellor, Ms. Lang?

Baerbock was in the running for the Chancellor candidacy enforced against Habeck before the last federal election. When asked how the K question would be decided next time, the Vice Chancellor replied: “None of those are my questions. I’m fully focused on my job and you can see how much work there is to do.”

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