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Rocha manages meeting of producers and Secretary of the Interior

Culiacán, Sinaloa, May 8, 2023.- Governor Rubén Rocha Moya arranged directly with the Secretary of the Interior, Adán Augusto López Hernández, a meeting with the agricultural producers who demonstrated this Monday at the PEMEX facilities in the port of Topolobampo, Ahome, a meeting that will take place next Monday at 10 in the morning in Mexico City, a request that was made by the leaders of the producers themselves.

During his Weekly Conference, Governor Rocha was informed by telephone by the mayor of Ahome, Gerardo Vargas Landeros, that the producers were requesting the intervention of the state president to manage this meeting with the Secretary of the Interior, for which reason the governor immediately called at that same moment to the federal official, who confirmed that he will receive the producers on Monday.

“That is a note that I give you, the issue of the producers who go to Topolobampo have requested through the municipal president, he met with them there, they told him: tell the governor to see if he can get us an interview with the Secretary of the Interior They expressly requested it with the Secretary of the Interior, when I left I talked to him and he gave them an appointment for Monday at 10 a.m.,” said Governor Rocha, who even announced that he could also attend if the producers so wish.

The state president specified that the corn marketing scheme, already announced last week, is the timely response to the demands of the same producers, who requested the withdrawal of 2 million tons from the market and the closure of white corn imports. of South Africa, while the process of harvesting and selling it lasts in Sinaloa, which were the requests that he publicly and privately made to President Andrés Manuel López Obrador during his last visit to Culiacán.

“The president offered us an alternative, which I clarified and told you the other day, this alternative that is being applied in Sinaloa was requested by the producers, I did not invent it, and there are the displays that were published the day the president, that day was when they expressed themselves through at least two signs signed by the producer leaders, who asked: tell the president to buy us a million tons, and I asked him to do so,” he pointed out.

“There it is, I am not doing anything different from what the producers asked me to do, I am doing exactly what they asked me to do, and I continue and the President of the Republic continues to think that this is the way we have to force the large buyers, and the president ratified it for us on May 1 when we were there with him, he said: that’s it, there is no other alternative, we have to establish a model that allows us to make the producers set a price for their corn , and it is not the Chicago stock market or the industrialists who put a price on it,” he said.

Governor Rocha explained that through this scheme for the withdrawal of two million tons of corn from the market and the closure to imports, it is intended to get the industrialist to buy the remaining crop of 3.5 million tons at the guaranteed price set by the federal government. , which is 6 thousand 965 pesos.

“What did the president do? Respond to the producers of Sinaloa, at least to those who are represented in those who, as leaders, asked us to go for that model, that is the model that we are following, the one that the leaders have asked of us and that they have done publicly, and I They said it in public and in private. So, we are working on it, that is why I ask the producers to be calm, calm, because they have asked us to do that ”, he concluded.

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