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Rodríguez Larreta announced through the networks that he would close a drug bunker and had to cancel it

It would not be the first time that macrismo uses staging to make them work, but this time perhaps it was too obvious and even caused criticism and charged even from its own space.

Within the framework of the electoral campaign and to show the supposed fight against drug trafficking, the head of government invited the media and was even going to broadcast live through ARSAT, thanks to Cristina, of course, and the idea was to show it by closing the place which had already been dismantled.

But since no one believes in this nonsense anymore and the truth is that it subtracts more than it adds or perhaps because he stayed on the coast trying to learn to surf without help, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta suspended the “activity”.

Werner Pertot’s tweet

The networks this time did not forgive him.

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Toddy’s tweet to friends.
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