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Rossi on the elections in La Falda: “The most relevant data is the small number of voters who attended”

The Chief of Staff, Agustín Rossi, considered today that “the most relevant data” of the elections held yesterday in the Cordoba town of La Falda, where the radical mayor Javier Dieminger he obtained his re-election, it was the low influx of citizens to the polls with an attendance of only half of the register, for which he called on the leadership to “adequately” analyze this indicator.

“La Falda is an important town in Córdoba, with few voters, and, from what I saw ‘prima facie’, the most relevant data is the small number of voters who attended. It is a data that all political leaders should properly value,” Rossi argued.

In turn, the Chief of Staff pointed out the opposition due to the repercussion of the victory of Mayor Dieminger, of Together for Change, in the media and contrasted it with the more limited coverage that was given to the victory with 70% of the votes of the mayor of the Rio Negro city of General Roca, Maria Emilia Soria.

“Last week there was an election in General Roca, where the justicialismo won widely with the candidate for mayor. That was obviously hidden by the big media,” Rossi asserted, while stressing that “nobody did the publicity display that the opposition leaders did on this occasion”, referring to what happened in the La Falda elections.

And he concluded: “While we are governing, they are campaigning and that is the question.”

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