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Rossi on the fine to Edenor: "The government acted accordingly"

The new Chief of Staff, Augustine Rossiconsidered today that the Ministry of Economy “acted accordingly” in relation to the company Edesur due to repeated power cuts in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Area (AMBA).

in dialogue with radius 10the head of the ministers said: “The Ministry of Economy, through the ENRE, acted accordingly. The concession contract was used, very high fines were applied and the company is going to be forced to return a month of service to all the users that were affected. In addition, it was decided to place observers in the operation of the company, which will give us a true dimension of its operation and its investments”.

The decision of the Government was apply a fine of $1,000 million to Edesur for the poor quality of the service it provides. At the same time, analyzes the possibility of taking over operational management of the electricity distributor, without this implying the nationalization of the company.

That way, rossi regretted that the residents of the southern zone of CABA “They have suffered what they suffered for four days and nights without electricity and without water” and he maintained that “it hurts us all a lot” because “it is a photograph that we do not want to see of Argentina.”

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