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RTL / ntv trend barometer / Forsa Aktuell: Union increases to 30 percent and is further ahead of SPD (18%) and Greens (18%) / Chancellor’s question: Merz ahead of Scholz for the first time

RTL News

Cologne (ots)

In the current RTL/ntv trend barometer, the Union parties gain one percentage point in party preferences and are 30 percent ahead of the SPD (18%) and the Greens (18%). The values ​​for the FDP (7%), Linke (4%) and AfD (14%) remain unchanged compared to the previous week. The other parties lose one percentage point (9%).

In the chancellor preferences, Olaf Scholz lost another two percentage points in the constellation Scholz (21%) – Merz (23%) – Habeck (18%) compared to the previous week, while Merz gained two and Habeck one percentage point. In the constellation Scholz (24%) – Merz (25%) – Baerbock (19%), Merz can also improve by two percentage points, while Baerbock loses one point. This puts Friedrich Merz in front of Olaf Scholz in both constellations and is in first place for the chancellor preference for the first time ever.

The reports are free for publication with the source RTL/ntv Trendbarometer.

The data was collected by the market and opinion research institute forsa on behalf of RTL Germany from April 4th to 6th, 2023. Database: 1,501 respondents. Statistical error tolerance: +/- 2.5 percentage points.

Press contact:

RTL Germany
Frieda Uhlenbrock
Phone: 0221 456-74264

Contact person at forsa
Dr. Peter Matuschek
Phone: 030 62882442

Original content from: RTL News, transmitted by news aktuell

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