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RTVE binds the artists until 2025 and acquires part of the rights to the winning song: the keys to the Benidorm Fest 2024

Blanca Paloma, in the pose of the artists of the Benidorm Fest 2022. (RTVE)

When a good part of Spain has its sights set on Blanca Paloma and the role she will play next Saturday, May 13 in Eurovision 2023RTVE has decided to publish the bases of the Benidorm Festival 2024which will be the third edition of their successful pre-selection for the European contest.

The new regulations maintain the essence of the previous installments, although they incorporate novelties to guarantee the commitment of the artists with the public channel for one year and add the partial assignment of editorial rights of the winning song to the Corporation.

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The artists who wish to participate in the next edition of the Benidorm Fest may present their candidacies from next May 16 and until October 10, thus extending the deadline for receiving songs and artists compared to last year. In addition, RTVE will once again send direct invitations to renowned authors and performers. The number of selected will be a maximum of 16 participants -two less than last year- and six substitutes.

Posed of the 18 participants of the Benidorm Fest 2022. (RTVE)

One of the keys to the new Benidorm Fest bases is the one that establishes the commitment to RTVE of the selected artists. While in the last edition it was indicated that the participants had to “put themselves totally and with the maximum effort and loyalty, at the free disposal of RTVE to participate in the Eurovision Song Contest 2023”, as well as in “any own or external promotional act or program for the one that RTVE requires” until the next edition of the European festival, this year several events are specified that they must attend, like the new Benidorm Summer Festivalthe Benidorm Fest Christmas Gala or the Three Kings Parade 2025.

Bases of the Benidorm Fest 2024. (RTVE)

This ambitious agenda hinders one of the objectives that RTVE has ensured to set with the pre-selection: to open it up to established artists who are encouraged to participate in the contest. And it is that few singers with a career in Spain or internationally can afford to paralyze their agenda for a year to make themselves available to the public channel, also charging the cache that the latter establishes.

Another important novelty is the one related to the rights of public communication on YouTube, as well as the incorporation of the transfer of editorial rights by the winning artist, an aspect for which in the two previous editions RTVE did not receive any type of percentage.

The new bases establish that “RTVE will be responsible for commercial exploitation of the right of Public Communication” for the publication on YouTube of the performances of the Benidorm Fest and those derived from it in any other related program. All this “without time limit and for a global territorial scope”.

In addition, the artists will not be able to upload the videos of their own performances on their official channels until six months have passed since the Benidorm Fest, while RTVE will be in charge of managing monetization of those videos and will pay the artist 50% of the annual income derived from said monetization, the other half being for the public entity.

Bases of the Benidorm Fest 2024. (RTVE)

On the other hand, the transfer of editorial rights of the winning song is incorporated for the next edition. While the Chanel Terrero and Blanca Paloma teams managed 100% of those rights without RTVE receiving any compensation for the exploitation of the theme, this year the subscription of “a publishing/co-publishing contract for the transfer of editorial rights of the Song, under the conditions and percentage agreed with the Editor of the RTVE Corporation”. In this way, one of the most celebrated decisions of the creation of the Benidorm Fest is reversed and the public channel once again forces artists and record companies to give it a percentage of the profits from the song that represents Spain. at Eurovision.

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