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Rumor: James Gunn is considering Harris Dickinson for the role of the new Superman

The news that Henry Cavill would no longer be playing Superman came as a bit of a shock to many fans. Especially after his appearance in the credits of Dwayne Johnson’s boast project Black Adam. But no, when Gunn and Safran took over as the new top brass for DC’s superhero universe, it was thoroughly cleaned up and many actors were shown the door, including Cavill.

So who is slated to pull on the leotards in Gunn’s new film Superman: Legacy? Sources indicate that Harris Dickinson is one of the hottest candidates right now and in one interview speaking to The Hot Mic, industry veteran Jeff Sneider had the following to say about the speculation:

“I talked to someone, and I asked, ‘Hey, who do you think the new Superman could be?’ And he said, ‘Keep an eye on someone like Harris Dickinson.'”

Shortly after the interview, Sneider also wrote a clarification on his Twitter where he said the following:

“Internet has already taken what I said about Harris Dickinson & morphed it into fact. Sigh… I have no idea who’s being eyed to play Superman. All I know is, he’s in a very good position right now within the industry & anyone who denies that doesn’t know what they’re talking abt.”

It’s also worth keeping in mind that Gunn announced as early as last week that he had begun filing a list of candidates, which now presumably includes Dickinson’s name based on what Sneider tells us.

What do you think, could Dickinson have made a good Stålis. Or are you hoping for someone else?

Yay or nay?
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