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Rumor: Taika Waititi is busy with the Akira movie

During the Easter weekend, we got a bunch of Star Wars news regarding new movies, where we learned, among other things, that Rey would return and that James Mangold was developing a new movie. One question mark that arose, however, was when Taika Waititi’s Star Wars project would become a reality, as it was not mentioned along with the other announcements. Now Deadline journalist Justin Kroll speculates that Waititi’s Star Wars project is being delayed because the filmmaker is already focused on another sequel: the remake of the cult film Akira:

“Since everyone is wondering where his STAR WARS film is, if I were a betting man my guess is Taika’s next movie is his AKIRA movie at WB, which he put on shelf to do L&T. He never left the film and word is script should be into studio soon. Again nothing set in stone as the film would go through regular process before greenlight including figuring out a budget but sounds like all his focus is on that project.”

Waititi has long been linked to Katsuhiro Otomo’s anime classic since it was reported that he would tackle the anime in 2017, but nothing is set in stone and this information does not confirm that Waititi is working hard on a live action version of Akira. Would you like to see Akira directed by Waititi?


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